Installing AtlasBits
The following steps tell you how to install AtlasBits. It basically boils down to copying the jar into your web application,
but here are the detailed instructions:
Get a
Download the latest
AtlasBits release
- If you downloaded the standalone version, follow these steps:
Install Jira according to the
. We'll call the installation directory $JIRAHOME
- Copy the AtlasBits jar into the "$JIRAHOME/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/lib" directory.
- If you downloaded the WAR/EAR version, follow these steps:
- Unpack the Jira distribution into a directory. We'll call this directory $JIRAHOME
- Copy the AtlasBits jar into the "$JIRAHOME/edit-webapp/WEB-INF/lib" directory
Install Jira according to the
Configure Jira according to the
See the
page on how to configure and use the plugin.
Upgrading AtlasBits
To upgrade the plugin, please follow these instructions before installing the new version:
- Remove the old jar from your WEB-INF/lib directory.
- Follow the version specific upgrade instructions below.
Upgrading from 1.0-beta-2 or earlier
There was a typo in the plugin descriptor. To correct this, run the following SQL command on your database:
update customfield set CUSTOMFIELDTYPEKEY="net.sourceforge.atlasbits.jira.order:ordertype" where